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Getting Started

Initial Setup

This guide will walk you through initializing your project, deploying an actor, and setting up your client SDK.

If you get stuck at any point, you can ask a question on Discord/GitHub Discussion or file a bug report on GitHub Issues.

Install CLI

Run this command to install Rivet on your system:

curl -fsSL | sh
Command Line

Initialize project

Once you've installed the Rivet CLI, run this command in your project root to create a new project:

rivet init
Command Line

Follow the instructions to initialize your project.

Deploy project

After initializing your project, will deploy your actor to Rivet's servers:

cd my-app  # Replace "my-app" with your project name
rivet deploy
Command Line

If self-hosting, this will prompt you to input a custom API address.

Once complete, visit the Rivet Hub to see the build you uploaded:

Build list

Create a test actor

Now that you've uploaded a build to Rivet, we need to create an actor. To test the actor can be created & connected to, run:

npx tsx counter_test.ts
Command Line

Once complete, visit the Rivet Hub to see the actor you created:

Actor list

Setup client

Now that you have an actor deployed, integrate the Rivet client SDK with your actor.

Install the Actor client package:

npm add @rivet-gg/actor-client

Once installed, we need to find the endpoint that your actors connect to. Run this command in your project:

rivet manager endpoint
Command Line

Use this code to create & connect to the actor. Replace /* CONNECTION ADDRESS */ with the value from the previous step.

import { Client } from '@rivet-gg/actor-client';
const client = new Client(/* CONNECTION ADDRESS */);

const counter = await client.get({ name: 'counter' }); // Get or create a `counter` actor
const newCount = await counter.increment(5); // Call the method `increment` on the `counter` actor
console.log('New count', newCount);

Visit the Rivet Hub to see the actor you created.

Next steps

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